Top 6 Ways to Enhance your Google Authorship Rank

Google always keeps a track of popular pages in the internet. The more useful and qualitative contents are always popular from Google point of view. But, now a website can be as popular as its author. This is the new feature incorporated by Google called Author Rank (Google Authorship).

Google Authorship

Google Authorship

The Google Authorship program helps you to establish yourself as a professional author and also gives you an author rank. The author rank is everything, traffic to your blog, name and popularity.

If you have a higher author rank you don’t have to be push your contents so hard to make them viral. The high page rank itself do the work for you. Higher author rank means you are very popular and Google knows it. It’ll help your content to indexed higher in search engine results pages.

Okay, now the big question that is flashing inside your brain is how you can reach higher in the Author ranking to gain all that popularity and traffic boost for your contents? Okay, just follow the below six tips to become a high ranked author:

Produce Qualitative Posts

Content is the king of your blog. Now, tell me one thing, why people will visit a website with totally useless content? it is like watching flop 90s TV shows in afternoon. So, always produce high quality and useful contents. Because, people often share the most useful contents and you will get recognized as the author of those contents. This is beneficial for your author ranking.

Interact With Your Readers

I have seen many bloggers don’t respond to their readers comments. Google keeps eyes on author’s interactions with readers. The interaction in the sense, whether an author is replying to their readers comments or not. You should know that responding to your readers comments and interacting with them correctly can make a high impact on your author ranking.

Write Guest articles in Popular Blogs

You might have seen many movie starts and music biggest stars land in popular TV shows to promote their movies and new albums/songs. This kind of move gain them a huge public attention and their movies, songs, and album becomes huge hits, goes viral.

Okay, now consider your blog as your release and popular blogs as a high rated TV shows.Now, what you can do is, share your brilliant ideas on those popular blogs, it’s like promoting yourself. It will give exposure to your writing skills and more people will find you and your blog. This way you can make a better name as an author and your author rankings will get improvement.

Never Divert from your Field

Always write about what you always write. I mean to say always write about a niche you are expert in. If you start blogging in a particular niche and one month later jumps into another niche and again two month later into another new niche then it will be hard to find in which field you are an expert. This is not a good thing for your authorship and authorship ranking. So, always remain an efficient contributor to a specific niche so that Google can recognize you as an expert author and rank you higher.

Be Popular and Regular in Social Media

Social networking websites are essential elements in spreading your content to billion of people. As, authorship is an initiative by Google, you have to be popular in its own social network that is Google+. But that doesn’t mean you can put down other social networks. Remember Facebook is the biggest social network in the world and a giant in traffic sharing.

Not only Google+ or Facebook, there are many social networking website are helping in traffic sharing before Google+ evolved.  So, you have to be popular in all kind of social network because your social media popularity is a big factor for your author reputation and ranking. Okay, but still getting only popular will not do the whole thing. You need to share your contents in different social networks to drive traffic to your blog and at the same time take your author rank to a high level.

Establish Connections With Popular Authors

Figure out the popular authors and connect with them via social networks. Comment on their blog posts and interact with them. The more you get involved with popular authors, the more you and the authors you are connected with get benefits. As I wrote before interaction with readers can make a huge impact on your author reputation, so become the readers of other popular authors and interact with them.

Here you can get benefits in two ways – one, you can earn a good author reputation as you interact and two, you interact with popular authors that will take you to whole new level in author rankings. This author connections and interactions works for both you and the authors you are connected with.

Google Author rank is very important for not only make a good name as an author but also boost traffic to your website. The higher you ranked as an author, that higher your contents will get indexed in search engine result pages.

About the author 

Anil Mahapatra

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